Assoc. Prof. Pham Ngoc Nam

Vice Dean, College of Engineering and Computer Science

Associate Professor Pham Ngoc Nam is the Vice Dean of College of Engineering and Computer Science,  VinUniversity, Vingroup and also a visiting scholar at Cornell University.  He earned his bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering from Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) in 1997 and his M.S. in Artificial Intelligence and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from KU Leuven, Belgium in 1999 and 2004 respectively. His research interests include Artificial Intelligence, QoS/QoE management for multimedia applications, reconfigurable computing and low-power embedded system design. He is the author, co-author of 100 scientific articles including more than 40 ISI and Scopus publications.

Prior to joining VinUni, he was with Hanoi University of Science and Technology where he served as Vice Dean at School of Electronics and Telecommunications. With this position, he has gained a lot of experience in CDIO based curriculum development and AUN-QA quality assessment at program level. He attended various trainings, both at home and abroad, on curriculum development and accreditation, quality assurance, higher education leadership development, active teaching/learning. He was a visiting professor at the University of Aizu, Japan in 2015, at Chulalongkon University, Thailand in 2013, and at University of Wisconsin at Madison, USA in 2009.